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Glider_it ASW-15 is a modern high performance and versatile semi-scale glider.

Thanks to its airfoil developed directly by us starting from a Norbert Habe (thickness from 11.2% to 10.6%, camber from 2.0° to 1.2°), it is perfectly suited for this use and allows a wide speed range.

Circling with the ASW-15 in a weak thermal lift is easy and due to its low drag and excellent conversion between altitude and speed it is perfectly suitable for aerobatics and high speed flight.

Flaps and ailerons are hinged at the lower side ensuring comfortable landings using butterfly configuration.


Technical Data

 Unit of Measure Value
Wing span: mm 3.750
Wing area: dm2 70
Fuselage length: mm 1.780
Weight (OD, glider config.): ∼kg 5,5
Weight (OD, extralight version, glider config.): ∼kg 5,0
Wing load (OD, extralight version, glider config.): g/dm2 55
Wing airfoil: n/a Mod. HN

Technical Setup

Suggested servos setup  Brand Type Max Thickness
elevator: KST BLS651 20 mm
rudder: KST BLS651 20 mm
ailerons: KST X10 10 mm
flaps: KST X10 10 mm


Suggested engine setup
Battery cell: Lipo 5s
Battery capacity: mAh 5.000
Controller: Castle Edge lite, Ah 100
Engine: Leomotion L4031-2550 finned 6,7:1
Propeller: Leomotion Carbon propeller 18×13


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